Canyon De Chelly, Chinle, Arizona

Canyon De Chelly, Chinle, Arizona

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Running Challanges

The challanges abound for the recreational runner. Since my arrival here the biggest impediment have been the dust storms that frequent the area. In order to avoid silicosis, asthma, and sand in some cracks where the sun never shines I avoid running in dust storms. It's not just the dust it's the trash that flies in your face. Anything from newspaper to Ronald McDonald's wrappers come my way. The second issue I commonly encounter are seeds from the the Goathead plant. (see picture) These seeds are increidbly sharp and spiny and stick well to the bottom of your running shoe. They also will come off in the carpet of your house and cause nasty holes in you feet. The dryness of the place coupled with the heat can make one thirsty in a few minutes and there are no fountains either around the corner or even in the next county. I bring water with me which is something I never do in soggy Northwest. The last issue are the animals. The dogs, horses, donkeys, cows, and crows leave me alone. Howver, sheep are another matter. The rams in each flock are protective and if I come between two parts of the flock they will chase me with their head down and their horns pointing right at my behind. When the rams chase me it gives the Navajo herders a great laugh and gives me impetus to run faster. One of the herders joked that the ram only wants to mate with me. I think the ram knows better than that.

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