Canyon De Chelly, Chinle, Arizona

Canyon De Chelly, Chinle, Arizona

Monday, April 23, 2012


In other parts of the country Spring is heralded by the coming of flowers and the birds migrating.  Here in Chinle where there are no flowers, trees, or birds Spring is signaled by the rattlesnakes coming out to take advantage of the warm sun. It is now in the mid 80s every day and it perfect weather for rattlesnakes.

Running like I do most mornings I find the rattlesnakes enjoy the sun of the dirt road I use. It has become so popular in the past few weeks the dirt road must be some sort of Waikiki for rattlers. They come for the sun but I also think the are coming for something more. It is rattlesnake mating season so the male snakes are strutting their stuff (Is this possible for snakes?) and the females are slithering by to show their sleek figures they have working on all winter.  I have not seen any rattlers hook up yet but it cannot be a very long time before there is some "action".

My job is to avoid all the sunbathing beauties as they don't like the feet of humans interrupting their activities.  This has been easy so far as they are easily seen for 10-20 feet away.  They also seem to this coiling thing rather than just jumping out and striking so I have had ample warning.  The biggest snake I see is in the same place every morning just lying in wait for his pray.  I call him "Boehner" after the house speaker because they share so many characteristics.  Sneaky but predictable "Boehner" the rattlesnake has a smile on his scaly face (this snake can smile)  just as he is ready to strike.  There is also a squished dead one on the road now I call "Gingrich".  I think the name is appropriate. Thank God I no longer have to avoid him. I have not found any yet that fit Obama or Romney but I'm sure one will slither by some morning looking for a contribution.

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