Canyon De Chelly, Chinle, Arizona

Canyon De Chelly, Chinle, Arizona

Saturday, March 31, 2012


Yesterday while going on my run over the mesa in back of my house I came across two puppies sitting on the side of the road miles from any dwelling. I am sure they were left there by someone who could not or did not want to care from them any more. They were only a few months old and it broke my heart to see them there alone and without food or water. On my way back about thirty minutes later they were gone. I drove up there to the spot where I had seen them and could not find them. Perhaps a coyote got them or maybe they were picked up by a passing car.

Abandoned and feral animals abound here. There is no animal control officer and the local culture believes in letting them be. If they are smart enough to survive on their own than so be it. There are many, many, feral horses that are somewhat like civic pets. People will leave out food for them to supplement the grass they eat. With goats, sheep, and a few feral pigs there is almost a mini zoo in town. I have heard the mountain lion come down from the highlands to feast on the varied diet of Chinle. I cannot forget the puppies though. There must be a better way than simple abandonment. The Navajo have a love and respect for animals so there should be a solution that is consistent with the Navajo Way and humane to the animals.

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