Canyon De Chelly, Chinle, Arizona

Canyon De Chelly, Chinle, Arizona

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Navajo Changes

In the past 20 years the Navajo have gone through many changes. One of the biggest is in the area of housing. In 1990 on 20% of Navajo were living in a home with running water, electricity, and heat. Today the number is 80%. . In 1990 90% of Navajo live in the land of the Navajo Nation while today it is 75%. The birth rate is still much higher than the Anglo population with most women having 3.5 children. (I don't know how you can have a half a child) The numbers of people fluent in Navajo is dropping also although the majority still speak it.

The demographics of the Navajo have made the life of the Pediatrician quite busy. We have seven Pediatricians to take care of an under 18 population of about 20,000. With many people using wood stoves or charcoal stove to heat their homes there are a lot of problems with asthma. I have been in some of the homes and the interior is smokier than a New York night club. With 20% living without running water there are a lot of problems with diarrhea and food born illness. There are also a lot of smelly babies.

Now is the season of Bronchiolitis caused by the Respiratory Syncitial Virus. This disease makes up 80% of our inpatient admissions this time of year and most are under a year of age. I am in charge of the inpatient Pediatric ward this week and I feel like we have a revolving door in the unit with babies being admitted as soon as I can discharge them. With electronic medical records and ordering systems I have become good friends with Mr. Microsoft and his little windows. I wish I could spend more time with my patients and families and less time with my mouse and keyboard.

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